School of Work & Prayer

Web discussion forum to give birth to the School of Work and Prayer.

Location: Stillwater, MN, United States

Friday, November 19, 2004

Quality of Life Statement - Part 1

The next task in the process of goal-setting is to work out a “Quality of Life” statement. This part of the process involves writing short phrases that express how life on the School of Work and Prayer would be lived.

The Quality of Life statement will have several parts. The first part of the Quality of Life statement concerns the material world, basic needs, and financial or economic goals. Let’s brainstorm together many phrases which express God’s view, including Biblical, Catholic Church and Catholic Worker teachings, about these things. (After the brainstorming process, we’ll sum up the ideas expressed here).

Here are some phrases for starters . . .

-- Self-supporting as much as possible (of the principle of subsidiarity)
-- Gospel poverty (cf. HAPPY ARE YOU POOR, Fr. Thomas Dubay)
-- Generosity to the poor
-- Debt-free
-- Hospitality essential
-- Distributive economics (of Chesterton, Belloc, Maurin)
-- God owns all things – we simply use them for a time
-- God is the source of all good things

What are your thoughts?


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