Freedom to Love God - Next Fire Within Discussion
Dear School of Work and Prayerers:
Last month we enjoyed a discussion about the conditions for growth in prayer at the Wessel's house. Thank you Wessel's for your hospitality.
Dubay's main point: our growth in prayer is conditioned chiefly by our generous love given to God and neighbor; growth in prayer has little to do with techniques or methods of prayer.
We will discuss the next chapter of Fire Within, The Freedom of Detachment (pgs. 131 - 157), on SUNDAY AUGUST 20th at the Wessel's house. Here is the opening sentence of that chapter: "Only the free can love, and only the completely free can love unreservedly". God asks us to love him with ALL our heart, ALL our soul, ALL our mind, and ALL our strength. There are to be no reservations when it comes to God, he is much to big for them. Please join us for next month's discussion in order to learn how detachment gives such freedom to love God and neighbor unreservedly.
in Christ,