Next School of Work and Prayer Meeting November 5th!
Dear School of Work and Prayer friends:
Nearly a month ago we met at the Wessel's house to discuss the chapter "Fire in the Nights" concerning the two dark nights of the soul, the night of sense and the night of spirit. As well as reviewing just what attachments are and how they inhibit love of God, we discussed what we can do to prepare ourselves to receive the God driven purification that takes place during these two dark nights.
At our next meeting, November 5, 6 pm at the Wessels, we will discuss the final stage of our deepening union with God, the transforming union, which is the topic of chapter 10; "the Transforming Summit" (pages 175 – 197 of Fire Within). Put simply, in this chapter Dubay, with the writings of Sts. John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila at hand, answers the question, "How do we humans become one with God?".
May the Lord grant us fruitful reading this month and clarification of thought at our upcoming meeting.
Your brother in Christ,